The Middle District of Alabama has been advised of potential widespread scams originating from an external source. Federal courts throughout the nation are reporting that such e-mail scams are currently targeting law firms and federal practitioners and are designed to appear to be a communication Read more
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About NextGen
The Federal Judiciary has developed a Next Generation Case Management/Electronic Case Files (NextGen) system that will allow attorneys to use the same account for both PACER and electronic filing access.
The United States District Court for the Middle District of Alabama (ALMD) became a "NextGen Court" on May 3, 2021. Pursuant to this transition, all e-filers will now use their own individual PACER login and password for access to the electronic filing system. Read this one-page sheet to make your transition to NextGen.
I forgot - what do I do now?
Electronic filers must do the following in order to file in NextGen:
- Obtain your own individual PACER account or upgrade your existing individual PACER account.
- Know your current CM/ECF login and password.
- Link your PACER account with your CM/ECF account.
Read this sheet to make your transition to NextGen.
NextGen 1.6 Upgrade May Affect PDF Upload Functionality
On October 12, 2021 the ALMD migrated from NextGen version 1.5 to NextGen version 1.6. The upgraded Version 1.6 includes modified functionality related to the uploading and viewing of PDF documents. In some instances, PDF documents that were previously allowed to be uploaded may no longer be accepted in Version 1.6 (and higher).
The PACER link provides information about preparing and uploading PDFs in CM/ECF and provides reasons why PDFs with certain content might be rejected.
It is every filer’s responsibility to fully review, understand, and comply with the PACER link's filing guidance.
Frequently Asked Questions
- How will I know if I have an upgraded PACER account?
Upgraded PACER Accounts have usernames that are at least eight (8) characters. If your username is six (6) characters, you do not have an upgraded account. Go to and click on Manage My Account to upgrade your PACER account.
- What happens to my CM/ECF account after the court transitions to NextGen?
Now that the ALMD has transitioned to NextGen, you must link your current CM/ECF account to your PACER account. After the accounts are linked you will no longer use your CM/ECF username or password.
- My law firm uses a shared PACER account. Can we continue to use that account?
No. Each attorney must have an individual PACER account to use for electronic filing in NextGen. The law firm can create a PACER Administrative Account (PAA) to manage the billing for all of the individual accounts. Staff members who share a PACER account only for research can continue to share.
- I have already linked my account when another court moved to Next Gen. Do I have to link my account again?
Yes, you must now link your PACER account to your Alabama Middle District CM/ECF account before you can file in Alabama Middle District. You will need to link your PACER account to each court that you practice in.
- I am a CJA attorney and I currently have two PACER accounts. Will I continue to need two accounts with NextGen?
CJA Attorneys will only need one PACER account for filing and viewing in NextGen CM/ECF. If you have a separate exempt CJA account now, those exempt privileges will be added to your individual upgraded PACER account and your current exempt account will be canceled.
Additional Help
For assistance with creating a PACER account, please contact PACER at (800)-676-6856 or visit the PACER website. For assistance with your current CM/ECF login and password, or linking to your account after the court transitions, contact the court at (334) 954-3935 during normal operating hours. To prepare for your NextGen transition, read this sheet.