The Middle District of Alabama has been advised of potential widespread scams originating from an external source. Federal courts throughout the nation are reporting that such e-mail scams are currently targeting law firms and federal practitioners and are designed to appear to be a communication Read more
Judges and Courtrooms
The Alabama Middle District has two types of judges.
United States District Court judges (known as Article III Judges, or District Judges) are nominated by the President and confirmed by the United States Senate, as stated in the Constitution. Article III of the Constitution also states that these judicial officers are appointed for a life term.
The second type of judge is a United States Magistrate Judge. A United States Magistrate Judge is a judicial officer of the district court, and upon the recommendation of a merit selection committee, is appointed by majority vote of the active district judges of the court to exercise jurisdiction over matters assigned by statute as well as those delegated by the district judges. Full-time magistrate judges serve for a renewable term of eight years and part-time magistrate judges for a renewable term of four years.
Our Judges
The Article III Judges for the United States District Court Middle District of Alabama are as follows:
The Magistrate Judges for the United States District Court Middle District of Alabama are as follows:
Under the rules governing the conduct of judges, our judges cannot respond to letters, emails, or other communications relating to cases that are pending or relating to other matters that could be the subject of future litigation in this court. Judges cannot respond to individual requests for legal assistance or advice.
Our Courtrooms
The Frank M. Johnson Jr Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse at One Church Street in Montgomery, Alabama, has five district courtrooms. Each of these courtrooms features an arched niche containing a hand-painted medallion behind the judge’s bench.
Each medallion is unique and reflects one of the five constitutional purposes, and the Latin phrase on each is taken from the five entrances of the Johnson building.
Promote the general welfare. The Latin phrase pro bono publico means, “for the public’s good.”
Provide for the common defense. The Latin phrase regnant populi means, “the people shall rule.”
Establish justice. The Latin phrase festina lente means, “make haste slowly.”
Ensure domestic tranquility. The Latin phrase favete linguis means, “hold your tongue.”
Secure the blessings of liberty. The Latin phrase macte virtute means, “well done.”
The Frank M. Johnson Jr U.S. Courthouse Complex is staffed daily and open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., except for legal holidays. The U.S. General Services Administration website has more information about the architecture and history of the FMJ complex.
The United States District Court for the Middle District of Alabama also has two other courthouses. The Federal Building & U.S. Courthouse at 100 West Troy Street, Dothan, Alabama, and the G.W. Andrews Federal Building & U.S. Courthouse at 701 Avenue A in Opelika, Alabama, are open when court is in session.